Wednesday, 5 May 2010

How to pass a drugs test?

Increasingly there are more and more websites advising you about 'how to pass a drugs test'. Phrases like 'drink this detox drink and keep your job' and 'worried about a drug test – buy this now' are common. But what are the facts? What are your experiences of shipping in expensive 'miracle detoxes' – did they really work? How dangerous are they? Do people who need a proper supervised medical detox put themselves in danger of serious physical consequences by believing website adverts?

It is worth asking yourself - “if there was a miracle detox drink why isn't it well known?”, “if detox drinks worked why would the dangers of detoxing alone be so widely publicised?”, “would it be better to get some professional advice than risk my job and health on an unknown quick fix?”, “if I need a detox is this really going to help me in the long term?”

What are your thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. [...] How to pass a drugs test? – view page – cached How to pass a drugs test? Tweets about this link Topsy.Data.Twitter.User['steps2rehab'] = {"location":"","photo":"","name":"steps2rehab","url":"","nick":"steps2rehab","description":"Steps2rehab provides free, independent advice on addiction treatment and psychiatric treatment in the UK and abroad.","influence":""}; steps2rehab: “ Do overnight detox drinks really work? ” 1 day ago view tweet retweet Filter tweets [...]
