Friday, 24 July 2009

Rise in cocaine use = rise in heart problems

The above link refers to an article published in The Independent today that discussed the 25% rise in cocaine use that the UK has seen in the last year. The impact this is having is that addicts are getting younger and heart problems are increasing.

“According to the College of Emergency Medicine, the admission to hospital of young adults with heart problems caused by cocaine abuse has become almost routine since 2004.”

Aside from the odd newspaper article or television documentary there is not much public information advising about the significant risk of serious heart problems arising from a short time abusing cocaine. Do you think our young people are aware of what damage they are doing to themselves?

1 comment:

  1. I don't think the young or indeed anyone knows the real damage that certain drugs, illegal and over the counter, have on the brain. Most chemical companies only research 4 main neurotranmitters and we have over 2000. The big problem for the young is that those under 20 are still developing their brains and are therefore more susceptible to long-term brain damage and later life psychosis. Unfortunately, the medical world is split on this subject and further trials are under way.

    The point is, if you don't know if it is going to cause you physical or mental damage, why bother........unless you have the addictive gene. In which case no amount of education is likely to stop you using a substance or mind altering activity until you get professional treatment, ideally in a rehab.

    Keep up the good work - I too will look at this site daily. It is certainly the best and most intelligent I have come across.
