Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Booze and bicycles - better than drink driving?

What do you think about drinking and getting on your bicycle? Is it any safer than drinking and getting in your car or do you consider the risks so different that there is no comparison? Get in the car after 4 pints and the best case scenario is that you lose your licence, worse case you take a life and potentially lose yours. But is riding a bicycle when you have been drinking really that different from drink driving? Ok, so the fact is that a bicycle is unlikely to run a car off the road (unless it swerves to miss a wobbling bicycle?), but that doesn't mean that people won't get hurt. In the US it is illegal to ride a bicycle under the influence in practically every state, in the UK it is an offence to ride a bike on a road or a public place whilst unfit through using drink and drugs, but the police have no powers to breathalyse you or take a sample for testing, thus proving that someone is unfit to ride a bicycle is not easy. If you are deemed to be unfit to ride you face a £1000 fine, whilst this is a deterrent it would appear that most people feel that riding a bicycle home from the pub is responsible in comparison to getting behind the wheel of a car...what do you think?